In my early days (I am not that old hehe) When I was still at work I worked at the army barracks LTK in 't Harde
And I was to lazy to drive home every day so I slept on the army barracks themselfs.
WE had a very big pond a water it originally was put there in case of fire with them sleeping barracks.
But soon after they finished we got together and make it into a fishing pond off course I also became a member of this group of people just for the fun of it.
And with my friends we had many evenings with nice fishing.
Below are two pictures of my adventures.
Here I am as the young god I was very proud at my enormous catch haha.
dit waren twee vrienden van mij die daar als militair op de kazerne werkten.
We hadden met elkaar altijd een hele hoop lol.
Maar er moest daar uiteraard ook gewerkt woden hoor het was niet alleen maar plezier.
Ik ben daar toen begonnen als dienstplichtige en daarna gebleven als burger