Midnight Walk Assen 2009


In England in the town Harrogate in Yorkshire they have something calles the midnight walk in 2008 hey had a large number of people walking this walk around the 1200.

In Assen the Nehterlands because the city got his city rights 200 years ago and the city was founden 750 years ago he people thought lets also organize a midnight walk here.

They hoped a few hundred people would come and join...

A few did hey broke the English record her were 2000 people in the first year of this event, I was also there and it was about 8 kilometres the walk and on route there were people telling the story of the city through the time.

here a link to the dutch site of the midnight walk and here ofcourse the link to the Britisch site.

Below some pictures of the walk in Assen the Netherlands.

the so called mayor of Assen opening the night.


Lois and Napoleon Bonaparte


Just a preety sight in a local church we walked trough.